
Marine Internal and External Communication Navigation System


  • Classification:Marine Internal and External Communication Navigation System
  • call:18796778888
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    Recording all important data to determine the causes of maritime accidents and to help prevent various types of disasters in the future.

    ▶IMO Performance Standards Complying with VDR and S-VDR

    Data stored in fixed and non-floating recording media for 48 hours

    Data collection unit stores data for 30 days / 720 hours in SSD

    Radar 1,2 and main ECDIS display images can be stored

    * FURUNO Radar FAR-3000/FCR-2xx9 series or FURUNO ECDIS FMD-3200/3300 can display up to five images, which can be stored simultaneously through Ethernet without SSD.

    * Radar and ECDIS images can be recorded every 15 seconds.

    ▶Easy to integrate with IBS network

    *Radar and ECDIS using the LAN interface based on IEC 61162-450 can be connected through Ethernet.

    ▶Video LAN converters can convert radar signals (DVI or RGB) into Ethernet

    * Connect the FURUNO radar FAR-15x8/FAR-2x7, ECDIS FEA-2107/2807 or third-party manufacturer's products to VR-7000/7000S if necessary.

    ▶Optional sensor adapters collect all serial/analog/digital sensor data and feed them centrally to the DCU.

    Multiple sensor adapters can be connected depending on the number of sensors to be connected.

    ▶"Live Player V5" allows monitoring and playback of collected data on PCs

    ▶The extracted data can be stored in USB flash memory.

    ▶Providing Global Customer Support and Services through FURUNO Global Service Network

    Simplified Voyage Data Recorder VR-7000S

    ▶Meet the IMO performance standard of S-VDR, MSC 163 (78)

    ▶S-VDR Transportation Requirements for Existing Cargo Ships Over 3,000 GT

    ▶Optional DRU: Fixed DRU or Floating DRU

    ▶Preservation function

    If a maritime accident occurs, the data recorded in the compressed space should be recorded in the safe storage area for long-term recording through this function.

